FBO Notice Date 11/06/19
BIDS Reference Number 682
Document Type: Award Notice
Lease Or Rental Of Facilities

General Services Administration, Public Buildings Service (PBS), R9 San Diego Service Center (SDSC), Phoenix Field Office (47PK08), 85003-2146

X -- 6NV0098- Notice of Lease Award SOL 6NV0098 POC Andrew R. Paulsen, Lease Contracting Officer, Phone 6025147283, Email andrew.paulsen@gsa.gov AWARD NUMBER: GS-09P-LNV00359 AMOUNT: $1037729.55 AWARD DATE: 082819Robert C. Wolff, Purchasing Agent, Phone 2523356821, Email robert.c.wolff@uscg.mil - Heather Dawn O'Connor, Purchasing Agent , Phone 2523345407, Email dawn.b.oconnor@uscg.mil AWARD NUMBER: 70Z03820PF0000070 AMOUNT: $56,657.62 AWARD DATE: 110419AIRBUS HELICOPTERS, INC.

CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/DHS/USCG/USCGARSC/70Z03820QB2000012/listing.html