Submission of quotations. Submit signed and dated Quote on SF 1449 or letterhead via email: at or before the exact time specified in this solicitation.All quotations timely received will be considered from only Vendors with boatyard within 25 nautical miles of Government Boat Dock in Ocean Springs, MS 39564 (geographic area of consideration).
Evaluation of quotations: The Government will evaluate quotations based only onprice and past performance. Evaluation of other factors, such as past performance-(i) Does not require the creation or existence of a formal data base; and(ii) May be based on one or more of the following:(A) The contracting officer¿s knowledge of and previous experience with the supply or service being acquired;(B) Customer surveys, and past performance questionnaire replies;(C) The Governmentwide Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS); or(D) Any other reasonable basis.Where an evaluation is based only on price and past performance, an award decision will be made based on whether the lowest priced of the quotations or offers having the highest past performance rating possible represents the best value when compared to any lower priced quotation or offer.
All or none qualifications: The Government reserves the right to award all, some or none of priced items; unless the bidder otherwise specify "all or none" qualifications.
SET-ASIDE: Total Small Business