FBO Notice Date 11/06/19
BIDS Reference Number 581
Document Type: Combined Synopsis

Department of Veterans Affairs, VA National Cemetery Administration Centralized Contracting Division, Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration, 22172

99 -- FY20 New - MPS - New Contract - To provide 12,000 blank marble replacement niche covers for Sacramento Valley NC expansion Project; Subject to availability of FY20 funds; SOL 36C78620Q0068 DUE 112019Marcia HallMarcia.Hall@VA.GOVCOMBINED SYSNOPSIS/SOLICITATIONFORReplacement, I1, Niche Covers, Marble, BlanksAtSacramento Valley National Cemetery

THIS IS A COMBINED SYNOPSIS/SOLICITATION FOR COMMERCIAL SUPPLIES AND PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FORMAT IN FAR SUBPART 12.6 STREAMLINED PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATION AND SOLICITATION FOR COMMERCIAL ITEMS-AS SUPPLEMENTED WITH ADDITIONAL INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT CONSTITUTES THE ONLY SOLICITATION; QUOTES ARE BEING REQUESTED AND A SEPARATE SOLICITATION DOCUMENT WILL NOT BE ISSUED. THE SOLICITATION IS BEING ISSUED USING SIMPLIFIED ACQUISITION PROCEDURES. SOLICITATION 36C78619Q0397 IS BEING ISSUED AS A REQUEST FOR QUOTE (RFQ). THIS NOTICE AND THE INCORPORATED PROVISIONS AND CLAUSES ARE THOSE IN EFFECT THROUGH THE FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATIONS (FAR). ALL RESPONSIBLE SOURCES MAY SUBMIT A QUOTE. FAR clauses and provisions enclosed within this RFQ are those in effectthrough Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) /Effective Date: 2019-04_2 are available in full text through Internet access at http://www.acquisition.gov/far.SOLICITATION NOTICE1. This procurement is set-aside for 100% SMALL BUSINESS (SB).North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code is 327991 Cut Stone and Stone Product Manufacturing and the size standard is 500 Employees. Any firm that does not meet the capability and size standard under this NAICS code should not submit a response. Prospective awardees MUST be registered with the System for Award Management (SAM) at http://www.sam.gov , PRIOR TO AWARD and through final payment, and must complete the Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) at http://www.sam.gov prior to award and through final payment. CONTRACT WILL NOT BE AWARDED UNTIL SAM REGISTRATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED.2. This combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items is in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 12, Acquisition of Commercial Items and FAR Part 13, Simplified Acquisition Procedures. Therefore, all quotations received prior to the RFQ close date will be considered by the Contracting Office. A single award will be made to the Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) offeror.The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, National Cemetery Administration, anticipates the award of a Firm Fixed Priced Contract.The Contractor shall deliver the following items to the cemetery addresses below, FOB Destination.Replacement, I1, Niche Covers, Marble, BlanksDeliveries shall be delivered no later than 45 days after receipt of order to the following addresses:Sacramento Valley National Cemetery5810 Midway RoadDixon, CA 95620

The schedule price shall be all-inclusive, including all labor, equipment, materials, and supplies to complete the Contract Line Item (CLIN(s))SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND SCHEDULE OF PRICES


PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED STATEMENT OF WORK3. The following Provisions and Clauses apply to this procurement:52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors -- Commercial, applies to this acquisition.QUESTIONS ARE DUE ON November 13, 2019 BY 12:00 PM EST.QUOTES ARE DUE ON November 20, 2019 BY 12:00PM EST.ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED FOR SUBMISSION OF QUOTES SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN ITS ENTIREITY. FAILURE TO SUBMIT ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED UNDER INSTRUCTION TO OFFEROR SHALL BE DEEMED AS NON-CONFORMING AND WILL NOT BE UNDER FURTHER CONSIDERATION.IT IS THE CONTRACTOR S RESPONSIBILITY FOR ENSURING PROPER SUBMISSION OF THEIR PROPOSALS IN THE VENDOR PORTAL. PROCEDURES FOR UPDATING ALREADY SUBMITTED PROPOSALS ARE PROVIDED IN THE VENDOR PORTAL GUIDE.Please go the VA eCMS Vendor Portal website at https://www.vendorportal.ecms.va.gov to register. Once on the webpage, proceed to the Vendor Portal Login section located on the far-left side of the webpage and click on Request a user account to register. In the event an Offeror is unable to submit their Proposals through the Vendor Portal domain, prior to the deadline for submission of Proposals, contact the VAAS helpdesk at 1-877-634-3739, or via email at VA.Acquisition.Systems@va.gov. Proposals transmission/successful uploads must be completed by the deadline for submission of Proposals.Offerors unable to submit their Proposals through VA eCMS Vendor Portal, may submit their Proposals via email, PROVIDED THE VA eCMS Vendor Portal registration requirements have been fulfilled AND Offerors have contacted the VAAS helpdesk for assistance in their Proposals submission. A copy of the email correspondencewith the VAAS helpdesk shall be forwarded to the Contract Specialist, Marcia Hall, at Marcia.Hall@va.gov as proof of email correspondence. If a request for assistance with the VAAS helpdesk proves unsuccessful in an Offeror s ability to submit a Proposals prior to the closing date, via the Vendor Portal, the Offeror shall submit to the Contracting Officer correspondence that contains the date, time, and name of helpdesk representative the Offeror contacted to include the reasons why the Offeror could not submit a Proposals via the Portal. The offeror shall receive approval from the contracting officer prior to submitting Proposals via email. This document shall be submitted with the Offeror s Proposals.In the event an Offeror has not requested quote submission assistance to the VAAS help desk prior to the closing date, nor has submitted correspondence that identifies reasons why the Offeror could not submit a quote via Vendor Portal, theOfferor will be considered non-responsive and the E-mail version of the quote will not be accepted. SEE Attachment Vendor GuideQuote Package in, Vendor Portal, shall include the following: Signed/dated ALL Amendments 1 completed Business Management Questionnaire/Past Performance (See Attachment) An approved Sample sent to the MPS team in accordance with the Statement ofWork prior to the closing date of this solicitation. Quote shall consist of four (4) volumes. The Volumes are I Price Schedule, Volume II Technical-Literature Review, Volume III-Past Performance, and VolumeIV- Certifications & Representations.QUOTERS MUST COMPLETE AND RETURN ALL INFORMATION DESIGNATED IN FAR PROVISION 52.212-1, INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS COMMERCIAL ITEMS (JAN 2017), PARAGRAPH (b) AND IN THE STATEMENT OF WORK. QUOTE SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY POTENTIAL QUOTERS, PRIOR TO THE TIME SPECIFIED TO BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD.Failure to submit all required documentation & Samples may result in your quotebeing determined not Technically Unacceptable and removed from further consideration.Quote shall include the information listed below. Quotes that fail to furnish the required information, or reject the terms and conditions of the RFQ may be excluded from further consideration. The following factors will be considered whenevaluating the quotes: Technical and Price. The Offeror s quote shall consist of four (4) volumes. The Volumes are I Price Schedule, Volume II Technical-Literature Review, Volume III-Past Performance, and Volume IV- Certifications & Representations.2. RFQ FILES. Quoters quotations shall be submitted in accordance with the following instructions:a. Format. The submission shall be clearly indexed and logically assembled. Each volume shall be clearly identified and shall begin at the top of a page. All pages of each volume shall be appropriately numbered and identified by the complete company name, date and solicitation number in the header and/or footer. Quotation page limitations are not applicable to this procurement. All files will be submitted as either a Microsoft Excel (.XLS) file or an Acrobat (PDF) file or compatible as indicated in the table. Page size shall be no greater than 8 1/2" x 11" with printing on one side, only. The top, bottom, left and right margins shall be a minimum of one inch (1 ) each. Font size shall be no smaller than 12-point. Arial or Times New Roman fonts are recommended. Characters shall be set at no less than normal spacing and 100% scale. Tables and illustrations may use a reduced font size not less than 8-point and may be landscape. Line spacing shall be set at no less than single space. Each paragraph shall be separatedby at least one blank line. All proprietary information shall be clearly and properly marked. Pages in violation of these instructions, either by exceeding the margin, font or spacing restrictions will not be evaluated.a. File Packaging. All the quote files may be compressed (zipped) into one file entitled quote.zip using WinZip version 6.2 or later version or the quote files may be submitted individually.b. Content Requirements. All information shall be confined to the appropriate file. The Offeror shall confine submissions to essential matters, sufficient todefine the quote and provide an adequate basis for evaluation. Quoters are responsible for including sufficient details, in a concise manner, to permit a complete and accurate evaluation of each quote. The titles and page limits requirements for each file are shown in the Table below:Volume NumberFactorFile NamePage Limitations*Volume IPrice Schedule(Company Name)Price.xlsNoneVolume IITechnical:Literature Review(Company Name)Technical.pdf50Volume IIIPast PerformancePast Performance.pdf10Volume IVOffer & Award Documents, Certifications & Representations(Company Name)OfrRep.pdfNone

A Table of Contents and/or a glossary of abbreviations or acronyms will not be included in the page count of the technical Volume. However, be advised that all information contained within any Table of Contents and/or glossary of abbreviations or acronyms submitted with an Offeror s quote will not be evaluated by theGovernment.VOLUME I- PRICEThe Price Quote does not have a page limitation; however, Contractor s quotes shall provide detailed information that provides a list of price. The quote shallconform to PRICE/COST SCHEDULE on page 2.The contractor s price quote must be separated from the technical submittal. The contractor shall propose firm fixed price. The quotes that fail to furnish therequired information, or reject the terms and conditions of the RFQ may be excluded from further consideration.VOLUME II TECHNICALQuoters shall propose a detailed approach that addresses the following:Quoters shall provide a written document on meeting the requirements presented in the Product Description, including any innovative processes and/or procedures.Descriptive LiteratureDescriptive literature must be identified and highlighted to show the appropriate model and type and all component items for functions offered and clearly showthat the item(s) offered are following the salient characteristics.The offeror may supplement the descriptive literature with a written technical document if the literature does not sufficiently demonstrate product compliance with the requirements. Descriptive Literature, as used in this RFQ, means information (including, but not limited to, cuts, illustrations, drawings, service manuals, and brochures)that is submitted as part of a quotation. Descriptive literature is required to verify for evaluation and establishment, details of the product offered that are specified in the salient characteristics.To be technically acceptable, descriptive literature (1) shall be identified and highlighted to show the item(s) of the offer to which it applies and (2) shallshow the appropriate model and type and all component items for functions offered (if applicable) and (3) shall demonstrate that all quoted products are following all the salient characteristics. This descriptive literature must be received by the Government by the time specified in this RFQ for receipt of quotations.VOLUME III-PAST PERFORMANCEQuoters must identify previous federal, state, and local government and privatecontracts that they have completed and that are similar to the contract being evaluated. List a minimum of three (3), but no more than five (5) contracts for evaluation limited to the last five (5) years. Quoters are required to complete the Business Management Questionnaire. Please see Attachment.VOLUME IV - OFFER AND AWARDDOCUMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS/REPRESENTATIONSCertifications and Representations - An Acrobat PDF file shall be created to capture the signatures for submission. This Volume shall contain the following: Legal Business/Company Name (as it is indicated in www.sam.gov) DUNS Number Point of Contact Name Telephone number E-Mail AddressAcknowledgement of Amendments, if any.Any proposed exceptions to solicitation terms and conditionsQuoters are hereby advised that any Offeror-imposed terms and conditions which deviate from the Government s material terms and conditions established, may render the Offeror s quote Unacceptable, and thus ineligible for award.

CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/VA/VANCA/VANCA/36C78620Q0068/listing.html

SET-ASIDE: Total Small Business