The solicitation number is W912EQ20Q0004 and is being issued as a Request for Quote (RFQ). This is a total small business set-aside procurement. The associated NAICS code is 332999 with a size standard of 750. A copy of this solicitation may be downloaded from the Federal Business Opportunity (FedBizOpps/FBO) Web Site at on or about November 6, 2019. Response to this solicitation must be received via email, mail, or delivered by date and time indicatedon solicitation; regardless of method of delivery, it is the offeror's responsibility to ensure receipt of quote by the time and date stated therein.
Quotes should be marked with solicitation number W912EQ20Q0004 addressed to Kendell Riley, Phone (901) 544-0891, Fax (901) 544-3710, email: or Monica Moody, Phone (901) 544-0838, Vendors not registered in System for Award Management Registration (SAM) database prior to award will not be eligible for award. Vendors may register for SAMby registering online at or by calling 1-866-606-8220.
In accordance with FAR 52.204-7, all vendors shall be registered in System for Award Management (SAM) prior to award, during performance and through final payment of any contract. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code applicable (332999) to this acquisition must be in vendor's SAM registration.Note: Update SAM profile to include all applicable NAICS Codes associated with your company.