FBO Notice Date 11/06/19
BIDS Reference Number 45
Document Type: Presolicitation
Pumps & Compressors

Defense Logistics Agency, DLA Acquisition Locations, DLA Land and Maritime, 43216-5000

43 -- LTC for Filtr Element, Fluid SOL SPE7L0-20-R-X053 DUE 112219 POC Valerie J. Jones, Acquisition Specialist, Phone 6146927866, Email valerie.jones@dla.mil

NSN: 4330-01-507-4201

Nomenclature: Filter Element, Fluid

Set-Aside Type: Unrestricted

FOB: Origin

I/A: Destination

Requested Delivery: 88 Days

Ship-To Address:

Shipping instructions shall be provided with individual delivery orders. Material ordered under the terms of this contract shall be delivered within 88 days after the date of the order. Notwithstanding any other provisions/clauses of this contract, no deliveriesshall be made prior to issuance of delivery order (DD Form 1155).

Approved Source(s) -

Ventra Corp (0NPD6) P/N T1800F Size A

Cantwell Development (0NOD6) P/N T1800E Size A

Navistar Defense LLC (338X5) P/N 4043517C1 Size E

This NSN will be procured under an IndefiniteDelivery Contract (IDC) using FAR subpart 13.5 Simplified Procedures for Certain Commercial Items. A base period of 3 years and two separate 1-year option years with a total duration not to exceed 5 years are anticipated.

Based on market research, this item is commercial and the Government is using the policies contained in FAR Part 13.5for this solicitation. The solicitation will be available on the Internet at http://www.dibbs.bsm.dla.mil/rfp on or about the issue date cited above. Hard copies of thissolicitation are not available.

While pricing may be a significant factor in theevaluation of offers, the final award decision will be based on a combination of price, delivery, and performance. One or more of the items under this acquisition may be subject to an Agreement on Government Procurement approved and implemented in the US by the Trade Agreements Act of 1979. All offers shall be in the English language and US dollars. All interested parties may submit an offer.

DLA Internet Bid Board System (DIBBS) quotations are acceptable for this solicitation. Offerors must complete the entire solicitation. Offers must be submitted on hard copy of this Request for Quote (RFQ), scanned, and uploaded through DIBBS (PREFERRED METHOD) or email offers to: Valerie.jones@dla.mil.

CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/DLA/J3/DSCC/SPE7L0-20-R-X053/listing.html