FBO Notice Date 09/11/19
BIDS Reference Number 440
Document Type: Modification
Construction Of Structures And Facilities

Department of the Army, US Army Corps of Engineers, USACE District, Rock Island, 61204-2004

Y -- Illinois River Basin, Dresden Island Lock, Grundy County, IL Upper Bulkhead Recesses SOL W912EK19R0016PRESOL DUE 091219 POC Zachary E. Schuler, Contract Specialist, Phone 3097945443, Email Zachary.E.Schuler@usace.army.mil - Katelyn T Nelson, Contract Specialist, Phone 3097945340, Email katelyn.t.nelson@usace.army.milThe purpose of Amendment 0006 is to update the schedule of prices, incorporate updated Davis Bacon Wage Rates, update Section 01 11 00, 01 22 00, 03 15 15 and update drawing C-101.

The required response date/time has changed from 11-Sep-2019 02:00 PM to 12-Sep-2019 02:00 PM.

CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/USA/COE/DACA25/W912EK19R0016/listing.html