1) Provide questions and answers as submitted in response to the RFP; AND
2) Extend the due date for AutoBid FROM: 3:00pm Eastern on November 06, 2019, TO: 3:00pm Eastern November 12, 2019; AND
3) Extend the due date for Proposals FROM: 12:00pm Eastern on November 07, 2019, TO: 12:00pm Eastern November 13, 2019; AND
4) Revise Section A.1 and F.1 of the solicitation; AND
5) Provide revised Attachment A - Proposal Checklist - reflecting the new closing date for AutoBid; AND
6) Provide revised Attachment B - SF1449 - reflecting the new due date for proposals.
CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/notices/b1c3e23b329651c64ed4780f0c9b5612