FBO Notice Date 11/06/19
BIDS Reference Number 249
Document Type: Sources Sought
Technical Representative Services

Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command, NSWC Philadelphia Division, 19112-1403

L -- Ship Navigation, Steering Control and Machinery Control Systems SOL 20-DR-015 DUE 111819Donavan M. Redd, Contract Specialist, Phone 2158977967, Email donavan.redd@navy.mil


SUBJECT: Ship Navigation, Steering Control and Machinery Control Systems

THIS SOURCES SOUGHT IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL. It is a market research tool being used to determine potential and eligible firmscapable of providing the supplies/services described herein prior to determining the method of acquisition.

Contract Type - A Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) IDIQ contract is anticipated.

Period of Performance - The performance period will span five (5) years from the date of award; and include a base period of twelve (12) months and four (4) twelve (12) month option periods. Performance is anticipated to begin on or after 01 August 2019.

Security Requirements - The Contractor is responsible for completing all required Government mandated training to maintain security and network access to government sites and IT systems to include but not limited to: Antiterrorism Level 1 Awareness; DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge; Combatting Human Trafficking; Records Management in the DON: Everyone's Responsibility; Training and Readiness: The Active Shooter; Constitution Day; NAVSEA Introduction to Controlled Unclassified Information; Operations Security (OPSEC);NAVSEA Counterintelligence Training; Privacy and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Awareness Training; and NAVSEA Physical Security training. Certificates of successful completion shall be sent to the COR and as otherwise specifiedin the contract.

An active SECRET Facility Clearance Level (FCL) is required for performance of this contract. There is no safeguarding requirement required. All personnel must have a current SECRET or higher clearance, or the ability to obtain one.

Scope - Contractor shall provide engineering, training, technical publication development, program management, technical services, and other services relating to surface vessel Ship Navigation, Steering Control and Machinery Control Systems as tasked by the NSWCPD Contract Officer (KO) or Contractor Officer Representative (COR) on behalf of NSWCPD Department 50.

Contractor shall maintain and provide subject matter expertise for Ship Navigation, Steering Controland Machinery Control Systems.

Contractor's engineering services shall include remote technical support (relating to system troubleshooting), onsite technical support (relating to system troubleshooting), onsiteship checks supporting ship installation drawing development, V&V test execution, and installation oversite support. Contractor's engineering services to NSWCPD Department 50 also include support for, or direct development of, trade studies, system requirements, system designs, V&V test plans, V&V test execution, operations technical manual development, maintenance technical manual development, and technical data package development (preliminary ship installationdrawings, installation wire connection lists, system interconnect diagrams, system signal flow diagrams and other items supporting system deployment on Navy's surface vessels).

Contractor's training services shall include operational, maintenance, and ISEA-support evolutions for systems supported by Contractor. Contractor shall conduct these evolutions atthe Contactor's facility, in Government facilities (to include Government's other contracted facilities), and on surface vessels to train NSWCPD Department 50 personnel, regional maintenance center personnel, and fleet personnel to operate, maintain and support systems supported by Contractor.

Contractor's technical publication development shall include creation and or update of technical publications directing the operation, maintenance or support systems supported by Contractor.

Contractor's programmanagement services shall include oversite, direction, and coordination of Contractor's personnel in support of above tasking. Contractor's program management services will also include emergent technology demonstrations, system change proposal preparations, estimate generation, meeting preparation, hosting program reviews, and coordinate resolution of resulting follow-up actions.

Contractor's technical services shall include other mechanical, production, and electrical work associated with prototype development, onsite system troubleshooting, installation oversite support, and post-installation testing.

Contractor shall procure incidental materials and components as needed to support emergent troubleshooting efforts. Contractor's other services will include administrational and other overhead tasks necessary to support NSWCPD task execution.

Capability Statements:

Interested businesses are invited to submit capability statements. Responses are not to exceed Five (5) pages. Responses shall be in electronic format. A cover page forthe response shall be included. The cover page shall include the company name, address, CAGE Code, Business Size Status for the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code of this RFI and points of contact (names, email, andtelephone numbers) at a minimum. The cover page is not considered in the total page count.

Capability Statementsmust address, at a minimum the following:

Section 1: Introduction. Identify the Sources Sought Number and Title

Section 2: Corporate Description.

•· Name of Company and address

•· Ownership, including whether: Small, Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB), 8(a), Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB),HUBZone, or Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB)

•· Points of contact, including: Name, title, phone, and e-mail address

•· CAGE Code and DUNS Number

(1) A complete description of the offeror's capabilities (including technical, program management, prototyping, etc.) related experience, facilities, techniques, or unique combination of factors that would directly relateto the Government's objectives as it relates to the scope section of this sources sought.

(2) The qualifications, capabilities, and experiences of Contractor employees, who would be availableto support this effort.

(3) Demonstrated ability to obtain security clearances at the time of contract award or within 45 calendar days for all personnel expected to provide support in accordance with the above requirement.

Section 3. Past/Current Performance. Provide one (1)example of prior/current corporate experience performing efforts of similar size and scope within the last three years, including contract number, organizationsupported, indication of whether as a prime or subcontractor, contract values, Government point of contact with current telephone number, and a brief description of how the referenced contract relates to the services described in the scopesection of this sources sought.

Section 3. Technical Response. Provide a detailed technical response that addresses the tasks identified in the scope section of this sources sought. Information should include:

•· The contractor's ability to manage, as aPrime contractor, the types and magnitude of all tasking in the scope section of this sources sought.

•· Contractors technical ability, or potential approach to achieving technical ability, to perform at least 51% of the cost of the contract with its' own employees in accordance with FAR 52.219-14.

•· The contractor's capacity, or potential approach to achieving capacity, to executethe requirements of the description of scope section of this sources sought. This response should include a discussion of resources available such as corporatemanagement and currently employed personnel to be assigned to tasks under this effort to include professional qualifications, specific experience of such personnel, and the ability to have personnel located at the locations specified.

•· Contractor's ability to begin performance upon contract award.

•· A statement that the contractor either has or does not have an approved accountingsystem, as required in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 16.301-3(a)(3) for cost-reimbursement contracts.

Note: The requested information is for planning purposes and does not constitute a commitment, implied or otherwise, that a procurement action will be issued nor will the Government pay for the information solicited. All information and data received in response to this sources sought marked or designated a corporate proprietary information will be fully protected and held in strict confidence.

Prior to the award ofa cost-type task order, the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) SubPart 16.301-3(a) requires that the contractor's accounting system be determined adequate for considering costs applicable to the contract or order. No telephone responses will be accepted. No contractor response received after the advertised due date and time will be accepted. No exceptionsto this receipt deadline will be granted under any circumstances. Responses must be received no later than 3:00pm EST by e-mail to Donavan.redd@navy.mil on or before 18 November 2019.

CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/notices/db0901061f6a6bccc5fb56612cad11a6