FBO Notice Date 11/06/19
BIDS Reference Number 215
Document Type: Sources Sought
General Purpose Information Technology Equipment

Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Amarillo Health Care System, Department of Veterans Affairs Amarillo Health Care System, 79106

70 -- AMA RALS Software SOL 36C25720Q0086 DUE 111319Ronalda Ohio

The Amarillo VA Health Care System (AVHCS) is seeking Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) or Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB) sources capable of meeting the requirement listed below. The acquisition will be accomplished using commercial item procedures in accordance with FAR Part 12.


The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is 541512. Any SDVOSB or VOSB firms who wish to identify their interests and capability to provide this product must provide product specifications, performance and delivery information by notifying the Contracting Officer no later than NOON PM Central Time, November 13, 2019. Notification shall be e-mailed to Ronalda Ohio, at ronalda.ohio@va.gov.


This Source Sought Notice is issued solely for information and planning purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation. All information received in response to this Notice that is marked as proprietary will be handled accordingly. In accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation, responses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. Responders are solely responsible for all expenses associated with responding to this Notice.



1. Title of Project: Remote Automated Laboratory System (RALS)2. Purpose: The purpose for obtaining the Remote Automated Laboratory Systems(RALS) software technology is to connect multiple devices to one data manager.The RALS software enables review and release of patient results to the LIS directly from each unit. It allows the ability to manage, update, review and troubleshoot quality control results, operator and device issues remotely.3. Scope of Work: The contractor shall provide RALS software licensing and interface for Point of Care testing connectivity software that is used to post patient test results to the electronic patient record (VistA/CPRS). This softwareallows the end user to monitor tests done at the point of care and to meet numerous accreditation requirements for laboratory tests performed at the Amarillo VA Health Care System (AVAHCS), located at 6010 Amarillo Blvd., West, Amarillo, TX 79106.Software must be compatible with Roche Accuchek Inform II, the Abbott iSTAT andthe VA s LIS and electronic patient record system (VistA/CPRS). The software must have the capability to add more instruments as the need arises.4. Background: Currently AVHCS uses the Abbott/Alere RALS Web3 for our point of care instruments.5. Performance Period: This contract shall be for a base period of 01/01/2020 09/30/2020 and 4 option years spanning 10/01/2020 09/30/2024.6. Type of Contract: This is a firm fixed price contract.

B. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The contractor shall provide the RALS Web3 devices module to include:Software Components:i. RALS-RALS Web3 device software module for the Roche Accu-Chek Inform II glucometers and Roche Coaguchecks meters ii. RALS-LIS HL7 Interface (LIS is VistA). iii. RALS Remote Connect (RRC), if applicable iv. Other third-party software, depending on system specifications. v. ADT Interface; ADT In-Unit Patient Verification with positive patient

identification. vi. RALS eQuizOther Components:i. RALS User Documentation will be provided in the current medium. ii. Standard Training, instruction and consultation for theCustomer required for the use of the RALS STS.Hardware Components provided by the vendor:i. RALS Data ports, if applicable ii. Information Management System 2. All written deliverables shall be phrased in layperson language. Statistical and other technical terminology shall not be used without providing a glossary of terms. 3. Conformance Standards: The contractor s performance must follow all applicable state, federal and local laws and regulations. 4. Hours of Work: The Warranty is in effect for the entire duration of the contract. The contractor provides 24 hour, 7 days a week Technical Support. 5. Preventative Maintenance: a. The Contractor shall provide free upgrades at no cost to the medical center b. The Contractor provides documentation of services performed. 6. Emergency Repair Service: 24 hour, 7 days a week Technical Support.

C. CONFIDENTIALITY AND NONDISCLOSURE It is agreed that:The preliminary and final deliverables, and all associated working papers, application source code, and other material deemed relevant by VA which have been generated by the contractor in the performance of this task order, are the exclusive property of the U.S. Government and shall be submitted to the CO at the conclusion of the task order.

The CO will be the sole authorized official to release, verbally or in writing,any data, draft deliverables, final deliverables, or any other written or printed materials pertaining to this task order. No information shall be released bythe contractor. Any request for information relating to this task order, presented to the contractor, shall be submitted to the CO for response.Press releases, marketing material, or any other printed or electronic documentation related to this project, shall not be publicized without the written approval of the CO.

D. CONTRACTOR SECURITY REQUIREMENTS1. This contractor requires no access to AVAHCS or any VA information system.The RALS will be interfaced to the AVAHCS information system. 2. The C&A requirements do not apply. A Security Accreditation Package is not required. 3. None of the information in this contract includes Protected Health Information (PHI) orIndividually Identifiable Information (III). 4. NO VA DATA OF ANY TYPE SHALL BE TRANSFERRED FROM THE VA. 5. The vendor will not have remote access to complete the repair(s) andpreventivemaintenance.

6. ALL DATA AND ELECTRONIC MEDIA WILL NOT LEAVE THE VA. 7. All hard drives will not leave the VA. 8. Vendor will have supervised access when onsite performing service/maintenanceE. RECORDS MANAGEMENTAll records (administrative and program specific) created during the period of the contract belong to AVAHCS and must be returned to AVAHCS at the end of the contract.

F. QUALITY ASSURANCE SURVELLIANCE PLAN (QASP)The QASP and its performance are as follows:

TaskIndicatorStandardAcceptable Quality LevelMethod of SurveillanceIncentiveSafetyRecall NotificationTimely recall notification100%Monthly MonitoringExercise of Option Period & Past PerformanceQuality AssurancePhone supportWithin 24 hours95%Monthly monitoringExercise of Option Period & Past Performance

CITE: https://www.fbo.gov/spg/VA/VAAHCS/VAAHCS/36C25720Q0086/listing.html

SET-ASIDE: Total Small Business